I was inspired to start my own brand that pointed out the Carchicks in the car scene when I, myself was shopping around at a meet and noticed there was absolutely NOTHING for us out there!  Following this car meet,  I did research on carchick based Facebook pages, Instagram pages, and websites and there was still NOTHING! Well, I did find pages where you have to be accepted into a group to be considered and have to follow rules and guidelines.... but that is not the direction that I wanted to go with.   I decided to start something of my own. Something where all of the chicks in the scene can be loved and supported for building the car that they want to build and how they want to build it.  No matter if she did the work on her car or the mechanic down the road did the work on her car, she is STILL a Carchick! On our pages, we hope that you all experience massive amounts of support and respect on your builds.  

We all know that "haters are going to hate".  HOWEVER, we also know that... 


Like what I did there? :) 

Please do not feel discouraged when someone criticizes your build.  The only thing that matters, is that YOU love your car and that YOU are happy of what you have accomplished.  

Also, Please feel free to send over your car to us on via kik @carchicks also, you are more than welcome to tag us in your photos and even send DMs.  Even if you would like to discuss your car or anything else, we are here! 

If you girls have any questions for me, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]